The City (Atlan, #3) - Endless Peril...Anguished Fate! Rescued by a bold sailor, held in the confines of a lascivious brothel, Cija faces yet another life-and-death ordeal. She escapes but her respite is short-lived. Treachery and betrayal sweep her into the temple of her hated father, beyond a terrifying, sensual interlude in the Arena of Apes. With the seed of her ape-man lover growing within her she is carried to her ultimate destiny inside the monstrous walls of Atlan...

Free Reading The City (Atlan, #3)

Book Details

️Book Title : The City (Atlan, #3)
⚡Book Author : Jane Gaskell
⚡Page : Paperback
⚡Published May 1st 1979 by Pocket Books (first published January 1st 1967)

Endless Peril...Anguished Fate! Rescued by a bold sailor, held in the confines of a lascivious brothel, Cija faces yet another life-and-death ordeal. She escapes but her respite is short-lived. Treachery and betrayal sweep her into the temple of her hated father, beyond a terrifying, sensual interlude in the Arena of Apes. With the seed of her ape-man lover growing within her she is carried to her ultimate destiny inside the monstrous walls of Atlan...
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